What does the package consist ofUp2You Forest?

Rimba Raya

Protecting forests

The projects of Up2You Forest package They deal with protect and restore forests, the woods and natural parks, which without our help risk suffering serious damage: forests of the world, from the tropical ones of the Amazon to those of Borneo, are threatened by acid rain, from deforestation, fires and degradation.

Reforestation and forest protection means:

Defeat deforestation and logging by strengthening security

Reforest degraded areas affected by deforestation;

Preventing the occurrence of fires and preserving the most fragile ecosystems

Rimba Raya
strada in mezzo ad una foresta

Why support the packageUp2You Forest?

The benefits

Safeguard and restore The forests plays a fundamental role in Fight against climate change, since they are the main protagonists of the capture of CO2.
Up2You Forest allows you to combat deforestation supporting the long-term benefits generated by forests, avoiding their disappearance for short-term economic gains (such as the production of fuels).

Very often, the State of forest health guarantees the only source of income for most people in local communities, which is why these projects bring them enormous benefits, creating jobs and improving their economy.

Many projects fund children's education and improve health infrastructure.

many of the areas affected by the projects are the natural habitat of thousands of plant and animal species, some of which are at risk of extinction, such as jaguars in Brazil.

bambino in bicicletta su una strada sterrata

Supported projectsfrom the Up2You Forest package?

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